New study reveals women are smarter on their period – here’s why


Did you know that women might actually perform better on cognitive tests while they are on their period? It might sound surprising, but recent research suggests that despite feeling worse during menstruation, women display better mental agility and make fewer mistakes at this time of their cycle.

A study conducted by the UCL Institute of Sport, Exercise, and Health (ISEH) found that women’s reaction times, accuracy, and attention to detail were heightened while menstruating. This challenges the current belief that women perform worse in sports and cognitive tasks during their period.

The research, published in the journal Neuropsychologia, involved 241 participants. Among them, 96 were men, and 47 were women who did not menstruate regularly due to contraception, for comparison purposes. These participants completed a series of cognitive tests two weeks apart. The tests measured reaction times, attention, ability to process visual information, and anticipation of events, mimicking mental processes required in sports.

How the study was conducted?

Participants also recorded their moods and symptoms through questionnaires and period-tracking apps, which helped estimate their cycle phase during the tests. Despite reporting that they felt worse during their period, the women who menstruated regularly performed better at this time compared to other phases of their cycle. They had faster reaction times and made fewer errors, which contrasts with their perception of performing poorly due to feeling unwell.

Expert insights

Dr. Flaminia Ronca, the lead author of the study from UCL Division of Surgery and Interventional Science and ISEH, found these results surprising. “What is surprising is that the participants’ performance was better when they were on their period, which challenges what women, and perhaps society more generally, assume about their abilities at this particular time of the month,” said Dr. Ronca. This finding could change how female athletes and their performance are perceived in relation to their menstrual cycle.

Dr. Megan Lowery, another author of the study from UCL Surgery and Interventional Science and ISEH, added, “There’s lots of anecdotal evidence from women that they might feel clumsy just before ovulation, for example, which is supported by our findings here.

My hope is that if women understand how their brains and bodies change during the month, it will help them to adapt.” Dr. Lowery emphasized that while more research is needed, these findings are a crucial step toward understanding how women’s cognition affects their athletic performance at different points in their cycle.

Real-life implications

Mary Fowler, a player from the Matildas (the Australian women’s football team), is one of the athletes who have spoken out about the impact of periods on their performance. This study’s findings suggest that female athletes might actually have an edge during their period, contrary to common beliefs.

Professor Paul Burgess, a senior author of the study from UCL’s Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, explained that the idea for the study came from conversations with female footballers and their coaches. 

“We created bespoke cognitive tests to try to mimic the demands made upon the brain at the points in the game where they were telling us that injuries and problems of timing occur at certain times of the menstrual cycle,” he said.

The data supported what the soccer players had mentioned: women who menstruate, whether they are athletes or not, tend to vary in their performance at different stages of their cycle. As a neuroscientist, Professor Burgess found it astonishing that we do not know more about this yet and hopes this study will inspire more interest in this vital aspect of sports medicine.

Changing conversations

These findings are not only surprising but also pave the way for more positive and informed conversations between female athletes and their coaches. Understanding that women might perform better during their period can help challenge outdated assumptions and support better performance strategies and well-being.

A new perspective

This research highlights an important aspect of women’s health and performance that has often been overlooked. By acknowledging and understanding these variations, women can better manage their expectations and strategies in sports and other cognitive tasks.

In conclusion, the next time you or someone you know feels down about their period affecting their performance, remember this study. It shows that despite feeling worse, women might actually perform better during menstruation. This could lead to more informed and supportive approaches in sports and other areas, promoting better mental and physical health for women.

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